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Certificates DV
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Certificates DV
Certificates OV
Certificates EV
1 399,00 PLN
Geo Trust True Business ID With EV Multi-Domain
Validation Type: EV
Secure both NON-WWW and WWW domain (FQDN)
Issued In 1-10 Working Days
Domain Name Shown On Certificate Only
Encryption Strength Up to 256-bit
99% Browser Compatibility
Unlimited – Install on any number of servers
Includes 5 domains with the option to secure up to 100 domains.
Assures customers of the website's true identity by displaying the GREEN Address bar and the organization’s name and GeoTrust’s name in all high-security browsers.
Provides highest level of website identity verification to help foil phishing.
Increases customer confidence to maximize online sales potential.
Provides up to 256-bit SSL encryption.
Includes a True Site Seal identity verification - embedded organization name/date/time stamp
Security: business identity authentication, strong 256-bit encryption, 2048-bit root
Assurance: $1,500,000 warranty, GeoTrust dynamic True Site Seal Trustmark
Convenience: issued in 1-10 business days, 1-2 year validity options
Universality: support for more than 99% of browsers and most mobile device browsers
Multiplicity: SAN / Multi-Domain / UCC options available
299,00 PLN
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Certificate
Validation Type: DV
Validation Type: DV
Issuance: Minutes
Reissue: Unlimited
Warranty: $500,000
Site Seal: Dynamic
Server Licensing: Unlimited
Secures both NON-WWW and WWW domain (FQDN)
Automated domain name validation
Unlimited Server Licenses at no extra cost + Secure www & non-www domains
99% Browser Compatibility
849,00 PLN
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard Certificate
Validation Type: DV
Certyfikat na pojedyńczą nazwę domenową (FQDN) wraz z dowolnymi subdomenami.
Natychmiastowe wydanie certyfikatu.
Weryfikacja domenowa (email lub kod na stronie)
Automatyczna weryfikacja nazwy domenowej.
Enkrypcja do 256 bit.
Dowolna ilość serwerów na których może być zainstalowany.
Gwarancja 500.000 USD
99% przeglądarek kompatybilna z tym certyfikatem.
379,00 PLN
GeoTrust True BusinessID Certificate
Validation Type: OV
Single Domain Name (FQDN)
Issued In 1-2 working days
Extensive Domain and Organization Validation
Domain Name Shown On Certificate Only
Issuance: 1-2 days
Reissue: Unlimited
Warranty: $1,250,000
Site Seal: Dynamic
Unlimited Server Licenses at no extra cost + Secure www & non-www domains
Full business validation
FREE lifetime, self-service reissues
Includes a True Site identity assurance site seal - embedded organization name/date/time stamp
Compatible with 99%+ current browsers
Present in 99%+ of mobile devices and smart phones
1 499,00 PLN
GeoTrust True BusinessID Wildcard Certificate
Validation Type: OV
Validation Type: OV
Issuance: 1-2 days
Reissue: Unlimited
Warranty: $1,250,000
Site Seal: Dynamic
Server Licensing: Unlimited
Secure multiple sites on multiple servers.
Fully Owned Roots (not chained)
Full business validation
High 256-bit encryption 2048 bit root Certificate
FREE lifetime, self-service reissues
Includes a True Site identity assurance Smart Seal - embedded organization name /date/time stamp
Compatible with 99%+ of all browsers
Unlimited Server Licenses at no extra cost
AICPA WebTrust compliant
749,00 PLN
GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV
Validation Type: EV
Issued In 10 working days
Extensive Business and Domain Validation
Domain Name Shown On Certificate Only
Green Address Bar Shown On all the browsers
Encryption Strength Up to 256-bit
99% Browser Compatibility
Site Seal Included
Unlimited – Install on any number of servers
FREE self-service reissues during validity period
High 256-bit encryption 2048 bit root Certificate
Fully Owned Roots (not chained) – Chained.
Assures customers of the web site's true identity by displaying the GREEN Address bar and the organization and GeoTrust names in high-security browsers.
Provides highest level of web site identity verification to help foil phishing.
Increases customer confidence to maximize online sales potential.
Includes a True Site Seal identity verification - embedded organization name/date/time stamp
GeoTrust EV SSL Carry the warrnty for $1,500,000
949,00 PLN
GeoTrust True BusinessID with Multi-Domain
Validation Type: OV
up to 100 domain names
Issued In 1-2 working days
Domain and Organization Validation
Domain Name Shown On Certificate Only
Encryption Strength Up to 256-bit
99% Browser Compatibility
Site Seal Included
Unlimited – Install on any number of servers
FREE self-service reissues during validity period
Secure up to 100 Names in a Single SSL Certificate
High 256-bit encryption 2048 bit root Certificate
Full business validation
FREE lifetime, self-service reissues
Includes a True Site identity assurance Smart Seal - embedded organization name /date/time stamp
Compatible with 99%+ current browsers
Present in 99%+ of mobile devices and smart phones
Unlimited Server Licenses at no extra cost + Secure www & non-www domains
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